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My New Role

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Life is about change. Life is about how we adapt to change. My life is about to change... again.

About 8 months ago I got married to the love of my life - Julie. 8 weeks later I found out that I am going to be a dad (only 46 days until the due date). Now, I am beginning a new transition as Connections Pastor at ROC International Church.

In this role I will be helping to create Small Groups (not sure what they will be called yet). I will be recruiting leaders, training leaders, and connecting new people to these groups. This role is something I have never done before and I'm a little nervous. But in the same breath I am so excited. I really believe that church is about relationships. As Christians, we have a relationship with Jesus, but we also need relationships with other people.

I have a friend Kevin who does small group ministry and I love his philosophy. Check out his blog here. Everyone needs a third place in life. Everyone has home/family and work. People have a lot of choices for the third place in their life. So why not make that place a relationship with a small, close-knit group of people that 1) you share like interests with, 2) you enjoy being around, 3) add meaning, value, and inspiration to your life. There are so many resources out there for this type of ministry and I don't want to stick to just one. This is going to be a melting pot of what is going to work for our people. I really want there to be something for everyone. I want these groups and relationships to grow organically (meaning that they start and grow naturally without outside interference and help), but they do need a catalyst to help them to start.

So, I am very excited to be stepping into this new role, this new ministry venture, this adventure! Please pray for me. I truly believe that this is going to be a huge impact on my church and my community.

My Prayer for Obama

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Barack Obama has won the 2008 Presidential election. No matter how I feel about him and his stance on major issues like healthcare, abortion, or taxes - it is my duty as a Christ Follower to lift him up in prayer. God the Father knows what is going on. He was not surprised at the outcome of this election. And nothing happens without His allowing it to happen. There's always a reason. So please make it your duty also to lift Obama in prayer as he guides our nation through some turbulent times.

"Lord, I thank you for the country I live in. I thank you that I can freely turn my eyes toward heaven and speak your name and you are always there. You know the turmoil that our country and world is in. I know that it is a result of our own choices and our own sin. But I pray for your hand to be upon us now. Please unite us. Unite us as a nation. Unite your church. Let us be one as you are one. Let us show our love to each other and our world - even the ones that don't like us and the ones we may not like.

Our President-Elect Barack Obama needs your help. May you grant him wisdom beyond his own understanding. He is stepping into one of the biggest messes to ever face an incoming President. His choices will be tough. He will be scrutinized, criticized, belittled, hated, despised, and much more by a lot of people for some of the decisions he will make - especially from a lot of "Christians." May you be his protector and his shield. May you be the lifter of his head. Help in his times of need and distress. Help him to make wise choices, not just easy ones.

Protect Obama and his family. May you reign as the Lord of their lives. May you be lifted up and receive all the praise and glory because you deserve it all. Thank you for not being surprised at how the election turned out. Help me be a voice of love and unity in a world that is sorely lacking it. Amen"

What are we really in need of?

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This morning I was reminded of something very powerful and very profound.

In church, we started singing a song I don't think I'd heard before. It was by Jonathan Stockstill and the verse went like this:

"Open up the sky
Fall down like rain
We don't want blessings
We want You"

And as Pastor Shawn spoke afterward, God gave him a word for me and our church and that is what I want to share. As Christ followers, believers, Christians (or whatever you want to be called) our pursuit is "to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death" (Phil 3:10). Our focus as a person and as a church should be on God, on Christ alone.

Too often however, our pursuit, our focus, our goal is on the blessings that God gives to us rather than on God Himself. Our focus is on gift rather than on the Giver. We start delving into books like The Prayer of Jabez and focus on what God will give to us. Our worship time is sometimes consumed with "falling out in the Spirit" instead of creating a sweet sound unto God's ear. I remember part of a lecture in college. The professor gave this analogy. Over time people would consider something sacred and holy, so in order to protect it they would build a wall or fence around it. People would come this "holy" site to see the sacred object and worship and pray. More time would pass and the "holy" object inside of the wall or fence was forgotten and the wall itself had become the sacred object. The wall was decorated, ornate, and well kept. The object inside was forgotten, the structure around was now sacred and holy.

How true is that of today's church? Our buildings, our programs, God's blessings are all great things but they are not our focus. Jesus is the "sacred object" surrounded by the walls we have built around Him. Isn't it time that we tear down those walls that we have built around Christ and make Him and Him alone our life's pursuit? I would much rather know Christ.

The truth is that we have all received the ultimate blessing in Christ's death and resurrection. If God gave us nothing else, Jesus' life and death here on earth would be enough.

So think again about this song and sing it with a sincere heart:

"Open up the sky
Fall down like rain
We don't want blessings
We want You"

"Open up the sky
Fall down like fire
We don't want anything
But you"