@ Any Cost?
Something said in the sermon this morning at my church triggered something in my soul.
Acts chapter 1 tells of Jesus' last words to his disciples before ascending to heaven. He tells them to wait for the Holy Spirit and that when the Holy Spirit comes upon them that they will become His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Then we read in Acts chapter 2 of the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples and they begin to change the world for Jesus. They did it at any cost, even when it cost them their own lives.
But in today's world, being pentecostal is a bit exclusive. The day of Pentecost in the Bible was the springboard to the apostles reaching out to anyone and everyone with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Today, people associate being pentecostal with being crazy, snaking handling, tongue-talking, and everything else. When was the last time you were in or heard of a church small group consisting of non-denominational, baptist, pentecostal, lutheran, etc people. Why are we only reaching people that have our exclusive theology or at least are willing to accept it. Why not reach everyone? Why are we trying to snatch people from other churches when so many countless others are lost and don't even know it?
Our message doesn't need to be pentecostal, but anycostal. As the apostle Paul wrote, "I have become all things to all men so that by all means I may save some." We as Christians needs to become adaptive, accepting, and outgoing. Lets use the pentecostal filling of the Holy Spirit as it was meant to be used; to be anycostal. Reaching people even if it means my own ego is hurt. If it means spending some of my own money. If it means going outside of my comfort zone. If it means setting aside my theological predispositions and assumptions. Even if it means not getting any glory, adoration, acknowledgement, or reward for myself. Because reaching people is not about me, but about them. Let's reach people with the power of anycost.
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