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UnChristian - part 3

Real-ationships. Christians need to put the real back in relationship. The world sees us (the church and Christians) as spiritual headhunters. All we want is a convert when all the world wants is a friend. It is our UnChristian mindset to bring someone to church, get them to the altar, let them have their "conversion" moment, put another tally on our scorecard, and send them right back out the door. Where are they going?

Well, I can tell you where most of them are not going. They're not going back to church. The churh doesn't care about them. Christians don't care. Why is this the image that the world has of us when it's not at all what Jesus looks like? Because that's the image we've portrayed to the world. This is the image I and we need to change. Jesus built friendships. He lived, ate, walked, talked, laughed, cried, and cared for and with people right where they were at. He became intimate friends with people. His actions are our example.

The cure is relationships. That is the key. Not quantity but quality. We must be in the business of building relationships. Not relationships with agendas, just pure friendships. Real-ationships. People can see through agendas. The world calls us insensitive and ingenuine. So lets prove them wrong. It's not hard. It's simply being natural and open. We need to be intentional and stategic in what we do and how we do it, but we must be genuine in our actions.
Watch and listen to this and let me know what you think.


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