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Movie Review - Fireproof

My wife and I just went and saw the new movie Fireproof on Tuesday. The movie is from the same people and church that made Facing the Giants.

Aside from the obvious bad acting in some of the scenes (most of the actors are not "professional" actors) the movie was very good. It brought together aspects and teachings from the Bible and also from 2 other books that I've read, Love and Respect and The 5 Love Languages. The latter 2 books are great reads and useful for any married couple or couple looking to get married.

The movie tells the story of a young couples struggle in marriage. The husband is a firefighter who is addicted to internet porn, expects his wife to do everything around the house, and is verbally abusive. The wife works in public relations at a local hospital, expects her husband to be a help around the house, and looks for love and quality time with other people outside of her marriage.

The husband (by the way, played by none other than Kirk Cameron) is challenged by his father to a love dare. He must do what is told to him by a hand-written book his father gave him everyday for 40 days. At the end of the 40 days, the marriage may be saved. But only through the acceptence of Jesus as his savior and through God's forgiveness can the marriage be saved. The husband must do all he can to save the marriage and make it "fireproof."

The movie has an outstanding message, especially for a world so quick to divorce at the first signs of marital strife. Check out the movie for yourself and find out. Take someone with you.

Fireproof = B+


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