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My New Role

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Life is about change. Life is about how we adapt to change. My life is about to change... again.

About 8 months ago I got married to the love of my life - Julie. 8 weeks later I found out that I am going to be a dad (only 46 days until the due date). Now, I am beginning a new transition as Connections Pastor at ROC International Church.

In this role I will be helping to create Small Groups (not sure what they will be called yet). I will be recruiting leaders, training leaders, and connecting new people to these groups. This role is something I have never done before and I'm a little nervous. But in the same breath I am so excited. I really believe that church is about relationships. As Christians, we have a relationship with Jesus, but we also need relationships with other people.

I have a friend Kevin who does small group ministry and I love his philosophy. Check out his blog here. Everyone needs a third place in life. Everyone has home/family and work. People have a lot of choices for the third place in their life. So why not make that place a relationship with a small, close-knit group of people that 1) you share like interests with, 2) you enjoy being around, 3) add meaning, value, and inspiration to your life. There are so many resources out there for this type of ministry and I don't want to stick to just one. This is going to be a melting pot of what is going to work for our people. I really want there to be something for everyone. I want these groups and relationships to grow organically (meaning that they start and grow naturally without outside interference and help), but they do need a catalyst to help them to start.

So, I am very excited to be stepping into this new role, this new ministry venture, this adventure! Please pray for me. I truly believe that this is going to be a huge impact on my church and my community.


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