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The Beginning - Part 2


It really is crazy to think of how fast things can change. Before August 2007, I had no girlfriend, no prospects of one, living in a church in Pontiac, and living for myself. Now, just a little over 1 year later, I'm married, living in a house, and have a honeymoon baby on the way. It's totally nuts!

My wife and I were just talking yesterday about life and how life as we know it is going to be turned upside-down with the birth of our son. Our focus and attention will not just be on each other and on our jobs, but on this little life that God has graced us with.

The greatest fear that I have is that something will happen that I don't know how to handle. How do I prepare for something like this? How do I know that the decisions that I make will be the best for my son? I fear that I am not ready. I fear the unknown.

Bobby Hawk said...
September 21, 2008 at 12:13 AM  

hey buddy, congrats on the future little sexton!

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