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Change is Tough


I have been sitting here in my living room with my wife listening to music and reading. She made us some spiced chai tea. It is so relaxing to just sit, no TV. I was sipping on my tea and Julie asked me a simple question, "what are you thinking about?"

At that moment, I decided not to just give her the "oh, nothing" answer that we men sometimes do just because we're men and don't want to talk about what's on our mind. I opened up to her.

The preparation for becoming a father is more than I thought it would be. There are so many questions, so many fears, and so many unknowns. It's a weird feeling to be totally excited and totally freaked about becoming a dad.

What if the life lessons that I teach my son don't allign with the life I actually lead? I don't want to be a hypocrite in the eyes of my son. So this leads me to this question, "what do I need to change in my life to make a more positive and powerful inpact on my son?" Because lets face it, kids learn much more by what they see than by what they hear.

1 - Do I need to throw away some of the movies in my collection?
2 - Do I need to re-evaluate the TV shows I watch?
3 - Do I need to read more?
4 - Do I need to pray more?
5 - Do I need to be more physically active?
6 - Do I need to be careful how I react to other drivers on the road?
7 - Do I need to love people more?
8 - Do I need to be more involved in my community?
9 - Do I need to be more careful of how I joke with my wife and others?
10 - Do I need to make better financial decisions?

This is only a small list of the things I could think of right now. But change is hard. Change involves being humble, broken, realizing that I don't have everything right. Change hurts. Change should be willful, but sometimes has to be done by brute force. Change is inevitable but we still resist. Change is tough.

How can I teach my son to do things that I don't do and to be someone that I am not? I must change.

Kevin said...
October 1, 2008 at 2:45 PM  

Change is good though.

And you don't need to throw away movies, but if you do call me and I'll be your trash can.

Mike McGarvey said...
October 4, 2008 at 11:24 AM  

The changes will be worth it though. I'm sure you can find a closet or something for the movies. Don't give them to Kevin, he'll just pawn them off for food.

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